Sunday, March 22, 2009


It is Sunday night and I am preparing to get in bed. Needed to come and put a few things down before I did so. This weekend I met with a girlfriend of mine that I haven't seen or heard from since I was 10 years old. We were always the very best of friends in elementary school and after my parents made the move from Houston we lost contact with one another. Thoughts of her and how she was doing always went through my mind but technology was not what it is today . Facebook is where I found her again and we quickly made arrangements to visit one another. This was the weekend it happened. She came with her crew in tow. A 2 year old set of twin boys and this bubbly 11 year old girl.

Thirty years have passed and we caught up in 48 hours. It was as if time had stood still all those years ago, waiting for us to meet again. There were no uncomfortable moments. From the minute we greeted one another with a big hug and a smile there was no question this was the same girl I had left behind in the 5th grade. You never know, it could have been a total disaster. We both took a chance and believed that it wouldn't. It was great! Our children meshed immediately giving us a well deserved break to just have some good old fashioned girl time.

Sitting and talking to this woman was amazing. Her story is so amazing, mine pales in comparison to hers with the struggles and pains and losses she h
as had to go through. She is an oak. She is truly a survivor in many ways.

Loving to her children in a way that I had to sit and absorb, in order to maybe be able to implement in m
y own life. Patient and kind. This time was well deserved for the both of us and I can tell that it will continue to be one of those sisterly relationships that I only have a few of.

Good times and bad I am pretty sure I can count on her being there for me through it. Never doubted all theses years that it wouldn't have been true. I mean come on thirty years have past and all the people that were once in my life at that time are a distant memory. Can not remember there faces, names or age in which I knew them. Something about Michele always made me go back in time and remember her. Never could put my finger on it. Well, this is what I have come up with about that. It wasn't the things we did or the slumber parties we attended it was her.

Brimming with emotion to the point that it comes out in the form of tears as she expresses her feelings about almost anything. I like that about people. Never having been one to wear my feeling out there in fear of them getting hurt or being embarrassed. This girl gets me mushy and grateful. A good quality I need to learn to use more often. Along with that comes a great sense of humor and big laugh. Easygoing and non judgmental. I mean if anyone was to be scared it should have been her. She is a college graduate with a career and I being the one with the sorted past. She knew about it for the most part. I try not to leave too many surprises. Even knowing all of where I had been she still trusted, this reunion and what it could bring to our lives, enough, to bring her children into my home. That says alot.

We went to lay in the bluebonnets. Climb fence! Played in the lovely park. Laughed and laughed. Went snap happy on the kids. My daughter was cross eyed by the end of the day having said cheese 115 times or more.

I am regretting writing this tonight as I am tired and my words are not coming the way i thought they would. I can't find enough to say. I am happy and grateful. Knowing that we will carry this on into many years to come. This was a good thing.

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