Been a while since I have been here. Avoiding maybe a little. I don't think I am really ready to go in to my marriage just yet. I see a lot of pain in that part of my life right now. I see a lot of pain being caused from me writing about it also. So, due to my reluctance to move forward at this moment, I'm not going to. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing in this blog and don't want that to change. So I will move forward.
The past week or so of life has been a whirlwind. Took my daughter to rehab a week and a half ago. We are very grateful that she is at least safe.
Weds.... Karrissa rehab.
Thurs..... Brownies...oop..scratch that.. My dad has a heart attack.
Fri..... Spent entire day filling in for my mother(who was at the hospital) as Chairman of the Committee for a "Tea" she had been planning for 5 months straight.
Sat...... Found out the my father has to have open heart surgery. Scheduled for Monday morning. Was placed in ICU. Was also able to get my mother away long enough to enjoy the "Tea" she had labored on for so long.
Sun....Worked 8 hours in order to not lose any for being at the hospital when my father had his surgery.
Mon...... Paced and worried about my father being on a by-pass machine while they carefully worked on his heart. All went well and everyone rejoiced. The last time I saw my father was that day in ICU after the surgery. He had tubes coming from everywhere. Bubbling and blowing with a frenzy. Could not speak and was still pretty much under anesthesia. Since then he has been placed in a normal room but was not wanting company that late in the day.(after work)
Thurs....Dad released from the hospital...sent home...Yeah
Whew...I am pooped just writing it.